How to prepare dilute ammonia solution
How to prepare dilute ammonia solution

how to prepare dilute ammonia solution

(Use the equation below to find the exact concentration.)Ĥ.

how to prepare dilute ammonia solution

This makes an approximately 0.3 mg/L Cl2 standard solution. Fill the flask to the mark with deionized water, stopper, and invert repeatedly to mix. Pipet 1 mL of the chlorine standard solution into the flask.ģ. Open a chlorine standard solution ampule.Ģ. Fill a 200-mL volumetric flask approximately half full with deionized water. Pipette, Variable Volume, 1.0 - 5.0 mL (Product # BBP065) Flask, volumetric Class A, Glass, 200 mL (Product #1457445) Chlorine Standard Solution, 50-75 mg/L as Cl 2, pk/16 - 10 mL Voluette Ampules (NIST) (actual concentration on label) (Product # 1426810) The following procedure is one way to accurately prepare 6 chlorine calibration standards from a Hach Chlorine Standard Solution: For example, if using a Hach method that measures from 0 - 2.00 mg/L, prepare calibration standard concentrations that span this range. The calibration standards should span the full concentration range of the test. In order to calibrate the colorimeter, several primary standards (typically 5 to 7) at different concentrations will need to be prepared. However, the instrument does accept a user-prepared calibration curve, if the user chooses to do so. The DR300 for chlorine (Product # LPV40) and the Pocket Colorimeter™ II, Chlorine (Free and Total) (Product # 5870000) is factory calibrated and does not need to be user calibrated.

How to prepare dilute ammonia solution